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FAQ Sections: For Professionals    For Approved Providers    For Potential Providers 

For Professionals

Find a Course:

How do I find a course?
The search function can be used to find courses by provider; date; location; subject area; distance education; and health, safety, and welfare. Only courses currently available will appear in the search results.

Can I search for courses from more than one provider or subject area at a time?
To select more than one educational provider, hold down the Control (or Mac Apple) key and select multiple options. To deselect an option, hold down the Control (or Mac Apple) key and left-click mouse.

I want to attend a conference. How do I find conferences?
LA CES lists courses, not conferences. To find a conference, search for courses from a provider. Multiple courses on the same date will usually indicate a conference, and the "Go Here to Register" button will usually go to the conference registration Web site.

I can’t find any courses from a selected approved provider. Any ideas?  
This means that the approved provider does not have any active courses available. The Search and Find a Course functions only locate courses that are currently available. If the end date has passed for a course, it will not be listed.

The "Go Here to Register" button took me to a Web site, not a registration page. Why?
The "Go Here to Register" button goes to the Web site listed by the provider. Sometimes the course listed is part of a conference and the page provides conference information. Providers may register courses on LA CES before all details are ready so the button may take you to the provider’s home page. It's fine to contact the provider directly to find out when more details will be ready.

Download Your Course Record:

My course record is not complete when I use the Download Your Course Record function. Any ideas?
Use the broadest search possible, which is first and last name. Enter your name as you did when you registered for the course. This is how providers upload attendance records.

The search function includes all these fields. What do they mean?
The ASLA Member Number is the six or seven-digit number assigned to all ASLA members.

The CLARB Record Number is for those landscape architects who are certified with the Council of Landscape Architectural Registration Boards. It is not the same as a state license number. Periodically, LA CES transmits records of attendance of CLARB certified landscape architects to CLARB. Again, this is not a state license number.

The CSLA Member Number is the number assigned to members of the Canadian Society of Landscape Architects.

The FL License Number is for those licensed in Florida. In 2020, the Florida Department of Business & Professional Regulation (DBPR) began considering LA CES approved courses for continuing education. Please visit the Florida DBPR website for how to submit LA CES course for continuing education requirements.. 

Very few attendees will have all of these numbers and some may not have any. These numbers will only appear in the search if the course provider received these numbers when you registered for the course.

Will my record of attendance as shown on the LA CES Web site be adequate for reporting attendance to state licensing boards?
The LA CES record is not an official attendance confirmation. Attendees will receive official attendance confirmation directly from the course provider. If you have attended a course registered in LA CES, you can contact the provider for a copy of your attendance confirmation.

Will my state (or states) automatically except courses listed in LA CES as meeting state regulations?
Over 35 states require continuing education for landscape architects; however, all do not use LA CES to determine provider or course eligibility. Many states require continuing education for landscape architects; however, all do not use LA CES to determine provider or course eligibility. Visit the ASLA website to see state continuing education requirements. When in doubt, contact a state board directly about LA CES.

For Approved Providers:

The same course will be offered in multiple locations and/or on multiple dates.  Does all the information need to be resubmitted for each date and location?
Each course is an individual record in LA CES. If a course is offered multiple times, use the LA CES "renew an approved course" option to change the dates, locations, instructors, or other information quickly and create a new version of the course.  The course content will not need to be reviewed.

The Excel attendance template has the following fields. What do these mean and why are they important?
These fields are important because they are used to help attendees find their LA CES attendance records. In addition, those attendees who are CLARB-certified will have their attendance records for LA CES courses automatically transmitted to the Council of Landscape Architectural Registration Boards.

ASLA Member Number: This is the attendee’s six or seven-digit membership number issued by the American Society of Landscape Architects.

CLARB Record Number: This is attendee’s number issued by the Council of Landscape Architectural Registration Boards for those who have established a Council Record.  It is not a state license number.

CSLA Member Number: This is the attendee’s membership number issued by the Canadian Society of Landscape Architects.

FL License Number: This is the attendee’s license number issued by the State of Florida.  It has seven digits and should not include any letters.

The Excel template for reporting attendance does not upload. Any ideas?

  • Make sure the template has not been altered.
  • Make sure the template has been saved to your computer desktop and is uploaded from there.
  • The last and first name fields must be completed.

I don’t remember my password. How I can I get it?
On the LA CES home page click on "Can't Remember Your Login and/or Password?" Type in your e-mail address and the password will be sent immediately to that address. If you do not receive an email, check your spam and make sure that laces@asla.org is on your white list. If a password is not sent to the e-mail address entered, this means the email address is found in LA CES.

For Potential Providers:

What is LA CES?
The Landscape Architecture Continuing Education System (LA CES) establishes, maintains, and enforces standards for evaluating professional development and continuing education programs for landscape architects.

The mission of the LA CES program is to assure landscape architects and licensing boards that courses provided by LA CES approved providers are of sufficient quality. Approved providers register courses with LA CES that meet LA CES requirements.  Registered courses cover a broad range of subject matter and providers are required to identify those courses that meet the LA CES standard of health, safety, and welfare.

LA CES is a collaboration of the American Society of Landscape Architects, Canadian Society of Landscape Architects, Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture, Council of Landscape Architectural Registration Boards, Landscape Architectural Accreditation Board, and the Landscape Architecture Foundation.

How much does it cost to be a provider?
Providers pay a $399 fee online when submitting the application. This fee covers 12 months. Providers are sent renewal email notices thirty days and one day before approval expires. Currently, the renewal rate is $399.

Can the application be started and then completed later?
No, the application cannot be saved, it must be completed and submitted in one action and will potentially time-out after an hour. It is recommended that applicants preview the LA CES Approved Provider Application Form so that all answers can be gathered before starting the application process.

Can the application fee be paid by check rather than credit card?
No, to submit an application, credit card information must be entered into LA CES.

What state licensing boards recognize LA CES?
Over 30 states require continuing education for landscape architects; however, all do not use LA CES to determine provider or course eligibility. To learn more about a specific jurisdiction, visit Continuing Education Requirements. When in doubt, contact a state board directly about LA CES.

What information do approved providers report to LA CES?
Approved providers register courses with LA CES and report attendance after courses are completed. In addition to the Approved Provider Guidelines, see FAQs for Approved Providers above.

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