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The vital issues of rapid growth, water supply issues, biodiversity loss and the effects of climate change require us to change traditional landscape practices. Hear from a practitioner, nursery owner and university researcher on the development of a sustainable approach to the landscape transect from design to implementation and maintenance. The OUTSIDE Collaborative is made of a diverse group of stakeholders and practitioners who are passionate about building as sustainable future. Through the power of collaboration, they are learning and applying the latest methods in holistic sustainable landscaping, development, place-making, and conservation. Collaborators include landscape architects, landscape companies, local and state government representatives, researchers, students, water management districts, engineers, non-government conservation groups, developers, home builders and environmental and ecological consultants. The work is affecting a diverse group, not limited to developers and policy makers, nursery growers, contractors, landscape maintenance personnel, new and longtime homeowners, jurisdictions, academics, and landscape architecture practitioners.
Distance Learning
Course Equivalency
Sustainable Development & Design
Health, Safety and Welfare
Learning Outcomes
1. Gain insights into the overall structure, history, goals, and status of a multi-disciplinary, statewide collaborative established to create sustainable landscapes across the full chain of custody.
2. Learn about the collaborative’s key initiatives , including partnerships and a case study a residential development project that is successfully minimizing/eliminating the need for irrigation, mineralized fertilizers and pesticides while enhancing eco-system services ((the Big 4) in its landscapes.
3. Discover the research results from in-field tests of sustainable landscapes.
4. Learn key takeaways regarding implementation, maintenance, and management practices for sustainable landscapes.
5. Understand the key role the landscape architect takes in the successful design, implementation and ongoing management of sustainable landscapes that meet the Big 4.
Chris Hite, Pierce Jones and Timothy Sallin
Course Codes