NPDES Stormwater Management Program 2024

Start Date
End Date
This 6.5-hour course focuses on the science of stormwater, management techniques (including runoff reduction, routing and storage), and the requirements of the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES), such as permitting and regulation of activities. The course will also assess a wide variety of stormwater best management practices and explain the development of stormwater pollution prevention plans (SWPPPs) and plans for inspection, monitoring and maintenance.
Distance Learning
Course Equivalency
Water / Stormwater Management
Health, Safety and Welfare
Learning Outcomes
Learning Outcome 1:
Learners will be able to adopt methods of stormwater runoff reduction, routing, storage and modeling, promote infiltration and percolation, and identify types and sources of various pollutants.

Learning Outcome 2:
Learners will be able to explain the regulatory principles of the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System and how stormwater discharges from construction activities, industrial sources, municipal sources, transportation systems, and oil and gas activities are handled.

Learning Outcome 3:
Learners will be able to comply with NPDES permitting procedures, identify designation of impaired waters, and discuss emerging pollutants, current issues and strategies for pollutant reduction and management.

Learning Outcome 4:
Learners will be able to assess and utilize appropriate stormwater best management practices (BMPs), including green infrastructure such as permeable pavement, vegetated swales and green roofs.
Brad Flack
Course Codes
HalfMoon Education Inc.

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