Residential Landscape Design Workshop: Section A

Start Date
End Date
Two Sundays:
Good garden design isn’t easy; but success awaits for anyone with a passion for plants, a little imagination, and proper guidance. Lee Armillei, a professional landscape designer, shows how to analyze a site, draw a basic plan, and use design principles for laying out paths, planting beds, and other garden features. Through lectures and drawing exercises, students explore design options, assess landscape materials, and employ a process that results in a practical planning document for their individual landscape project. Please bring your lunch. (Class size is limited.) A detailed list of required materials is available with the online class description.

Day 1
10 – 12:30 pm: Welcome, Lecture: Base plan & site analysis, design principles, design statement/narrative
12:30 – 1 pm: Lunch
1 – 1:45: Lecture: Functional diagram
1:45 – 1:55 pm: Break
1:55 – 3:30 pm: Studio: Prepare site analysis, narrative and functional diagram. Desk critiques by instructor.
Day 2
10 – 12:30 pm: Lecture: Design development, materials, effectiveness score
12:30 – 1 pm: Lunch
1 – 2 pm: Studio: Preliminary design development, materials list and effectiveness score. Desk critiques by instructor.
2 – 2:10 pm: Break
2:10 – 3:30 pm: Studio: Final plan. Desk critiques by instructor.
Hockessin, DE
Distance Learning
Course Equivalency
Horticulture / Plants
Health, Safety and Welfare
Learning Outcomes
1. Explore design options through lectures and drawing exercises.
2. Analyze a site, draw a plan, and apply design principles to path and planting design.
3. Review landscape materials and develop plant lists considering color, texture, and year-round interest.
Lee Armillei
Course Codes
Mt. Cuba Center

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