Towards Zero Emission Business Operations: How to Reduce the Climate Impacts of Offices (on-demand)

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Open to all ASLA members and non-members
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Embark on a transformative journey towards carbon-neutral business operations. This webinar delves into the strategies and best practices for measuring, understanding, and effectively reducing Scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions. Gain insights from real-world case studies of five landscape architecture firms on their journey to carbon neutrality, equipping you with the knowledge to develop an action plan with short and long-term goals for your organization's sustainable future.
Distance Learning
Course Equivalency
Business Practices / Contracts / HR
Energy Conservation / Renewable Energy
Health, Safety and Welfare
Learning Outcomes
Familiarize yourself with the process of accounting for greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) in a business's operations.

Understand Scopes 1, 2, and 3 emissions as classifications for climate-warming greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, along with the various methods to mitigate them.

Understand how to work within your organization to set up a GHG reduction action plan with short- and long-term goals to lower and eliminate carbon emissions.
Amy Syverson-Shaffer, ASLA; Ronnie Siegel, ASLA; Hussein Sayani; Julie Donofrio
Course Codes
American Society of Landscape Architects

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