Design with Disabled People Now: Including the Deaf and Disabled Communities in the Design Process

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We tend to view the design process as a linear process; yet, it is actually cyclical, meant to be tested and trialed again and again with direct feedback from the people we are designing with and for. In order to improve how we design, we need to bring disabled stakeholders and experts to the table. The disabled community is made up of over 1.6 billion people, globally. We cannot design for access without including the disabled community: if we continue to exclude disabled people from our design process, we will continue to commit serious spatial injustices. This webinar will introduce concepts to create a more inclusive and accessible design process. It also introduces principles of design based in “DeafScape” and Universal Design, which go beyond the legal requirements of the ADA Standards for Accessible Design, so that participants might learn to become more inclusive of the Deaf and disabled communities in their own projects.
Distance Learning
Course Equivalency
Accessibility / ADA
Health, Safety and Welfare
Learning Outcomes
1) Learn about the disabled community and the community’s relevance in design.

2) Touch on the ADA Standards for Accessible Design, its strengths and weaknesses, and how it serves as a baseline minimum to build upon.

3) Discover how DeafScape principles can serve as a resource to design more accessible and inclusive spaces for the Deaf community and broader disabled community.

4) Learn how to create a more inclusive design process.
Alexa Vaughn (ASLA, FAAR) is a Deaf consultant in landscape architecture and urban design, PhD student at UCLA, and recent Fellow of the American Academy in Rome
Course Codes
Victor Stanley, Inc.

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