Introduction to Carbon and the Built Environment (on-demand)

Registration Eligibility
Free for ASLA members through the end of 2024; $50 for non-members. This webinar is part of the Biodiversity & Climate Action 101 Series.
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End Date
This session is a global introduction to carbon in the built environment. It is tailored to landscape architects and landscape product vendors and contractors. Nearly 75% of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions come from the urban built environment, and 35% are from outside the buildings. Understanding emissions from construction and operations is critical to reducing the climate impacts of landscape architecture projects.

Landscape architects can use environmental product declarations (EPDs) and life-cycle analysis (LCA) to inform data-driven planning and design. These approaches can reduce climate impacts from built landscapes. Learn how to evaluate both EPDs and LCAs, which are integrated into green building standards, including SITES v2 certification.

Speakers will review:

Key concepts of the natural carbon cycle
Common terms and concepts
Considerations for maximizing the carbon drawdown potential for the living landscape
Distance Learning
Course Equivalency
Development Trends
Energy Conservation / Renewable Energy
Horticulture / Plants
Project Management
Site Planning
Sustainable Development & Design
Technology / CADD / GIS
Health, Safety and Welfare
Learning Outcomes
1. Understand the distinction between embodied carbon and operational carbon, as defined in SITES v2 Pilot Credit 3: Assess and Improve Carbon Performance.

2. Discover essential practices and resources to reduce carbon-related climate impacts in the built landscape, which may be used to achieve SITES v2 Pilot Credit 3: Assess and Improve Carbon Performance.

3. Articulate the differences between biogenic carbon stored in construction materials, dead biomass in nature, and carbon sequestration.

4. Understand the life-cycle report stages and what information to look for in an EPD to understand the embodied carbon potential of a product and product class that may be used to achieve credits in SITES v2 Site Design - Materials Selection.
Christopher R. Hardy, ASLA, PLA; Pamela Conrad, ASLA, PLA, LEED AP; Stephanie Carlisle
Course Codes
American Society of Landscape Architects

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