Using Design, Engineering, Education & Science to Support UN Sustainable Development Goals

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ASLA online learning opportunities are open to all. ASLA members may purchase this presentation at a reduced rate. This is a 2021 conference session.
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The UN Sustainable Development Goals are an urgent call for action. By applying the principles of sustainable architecture, engineering, education, & science to the design of urban infrastructure, we can support these goals and sustain marine resources, enhance biodiversity, contribute to cleaner environments, broaden disciplinary boundaries, and reduce carbon emissions.
Distance Learning
Course Equivalency
Sustainable Development & Design
Health, Safety and Welfare
Learning Outcomes
Understand key environmental issues related to the design of coastal and marine infrastructure as these relate to the UNSDG, and how they impact natural habitat conservation in urban marine seascapes.; Address the means for applying principles related to “urban nature” that are commonly assimilated in terrestrial urban projects to urban seascapes.; Discuss how incorporating living elements and ecological design into local planning, development, and education can mitigate climate change and reduce vulnerabilities for local communities as outlined in the UNSDG.; Present innovative technologies and design strategies to communicate complex ecological information and increase public literacy and value of urban land and marine infrastructure.;
Roberto J. Rovira, ASLA; Stephanie Dunn, Affiliate ASLA; Ido Sella
Course Codes
American Society of Landscape Architects

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