The Climate Challenge for New Urbanism

Start Date
End Date
Climate change will test our cities and towns with sea level rise, extreme weather events, increased temperatures and “climate migration” as populations and ecosystems adjust to these stressors. New Urbanists are in a unique position to help shape how cities adapt. CNU Fellow Scott Bernstein will provide an overview of what cities are doing now – and CNU Co-founder Elizabeth Plater-Zyberk will detail adaptation strategies. A panel of New Urbanist climate leaders will discuss how our movement can meet the moment on climate and equity, including Stephanie Bothwell, Susan Henderson, Matt Lambert, Rick Cole, Cal Kurtz, Bruzenskey Bois, Gary Scott and Camile Cortez. This session will provide attendees a basic understanding of anticipated climate change impacts, and the two essential human responses possible. The first is mitigation, a long-term global approach to reducing emissions and other causal actions. The second is adaptation, a regional response acknowledging and adapting to changes in localized conditions, in some cases requiring short-term action. The sequential adaptation responses - defense and fortification, accommodation, and retreat - will be reviewed and illustrated with examples.
Oklahoma City, OK
Distance Learning
Course Equivalency
Sustainable Development & Design
Health, Safety and Welfare
Learning Outcomes
HSW Justification:
This sessions discusses how cities, towns, and other places can adapt to climate change and keep their residents safe from its effects.

Learning Objective 1:
Participants will learn about anticipated climate change impacts for different cities across the globe.

Learning Objective 2:
Participants will learn about designs for the built environment that help cities adapt to these impacts.

Learning Objective 3:
Participants will learn how to evaluate which adaptation designs work best for different climate change impacts.

Learning Objective 4:
Participants will learn about three different design adaptations (defense and fortification, accommodation, and retreat) and when to apply each.
Cal Kurtz; Bruzenskey Bois; Matt Lambert; Stephanie Bothwell; Susan Henderson; Rick Cole
Course Codes
Congress for the New Urbanism

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