Garden Bootcamp: Soil is the Backbone of Landscapes & Gardens

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This year we have more and more people interested in gardening and landscapes. From growing your own food to beautifying your landscape, consumers are asking for more organics. Soil is the foundation for any landscape or garden. What is “healthy” soil and how do you know if you have it? Let us explore the basics of how to restore, revive and regenerate the backbone of your landscape’s, lawns, and gardens by growing healthy soil organically. Your customer’s landscape will thrive, will be more disease and pest resistant, will hold water more efficiently in turn minimizing runoff and erosions issues. We will talk about the benefits of organics versus synthetics and the impact on your soil & how they affect overall growth. We will also discuss the benefits from a hybrid approach. Let us go from pandemic to what is possible, it is time to reevaluate how we operate and open our garden gate to something maybe new!
Distance Learning
Course Equivalency
Horticulture / Plants
Housing & Community Design
Parks & Recreation
Project Management
Remediation / Brownfields
Residential Design
Health, Safety and Welfare
Learning Outcomes
Learning objectives for participants

What consumers want today in their garden
Key components for healthy soil
How to manage soil key components
What is the difference between synthetic and organics in landscapes?
Hybrid approach and the benefits to your customer’s landscapes
Gisele “G” Schoniger
Course Codes

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